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Four piglets facing forward with their noses in the air. 2 are Jersey Red Duroc breed.

What is Biosecurity?

Biosecurity is a set of strict procedures, rules, and guidelines that are followed to prevent diseases from entering a pig farm, as well as preventing the spread of pathogens and diseases within the farm.

At Taaibosch, we adhere to strict biosecurity measures, as well as being certified in several quality programs including SAPPO’s Pork 360 program and being a registered Pig Compartment.

We are audited annually to prove that we uphold the Pork 360 quality standards and practices on the farm, of which the aim is to produce high-quality, safe and healthy pork.

On a quarterly basis, we are also audited by the state veterinary services (GDARD) to show adherence to the welfare, quality, and biosecurity measures, as stipulated by the ZA Registered Pig Compartment, administrated by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD).

We adhere to strict biosecurity measures with:

  1. Visitors and Employees

  2. Vehicles

  3. Infrastructure

Piglet bending on forelegs. One foot tucked under its body.

1. Biosecurity Measures With Visitors and Employees

Humans are one of the biggest risk factors for introducing pathogens or diseases to the farm. These can be carried in via shoes or through mucous in the nostrils.

At Taaibosch, all employees, vets, or any visitors to the farm need to adhere to strict biosecurity measures. This includes no contact with any cloven-hoofed animals for at least 3 days prior to entering. Cloven-hoofed animals carry diseases that can be transmitted to the pigs (for example Foot and Mouth disease) and are usually highly contagious, hence the waiting period. This prevents that people don't inadvertently transmit the disease from cloven-hoofed animals to the pigs.

Every person needs to shower in and wear the provided clean clothing. All devices or other equipment that enter the pig unit are wiped off and disinfected.

Our showering facilities are specifically designed into two parts; the outside area and the clean area. These parts are separated by the showers. Consequently, you can only enter the piggery via the showers. All workers and visitors must shower to enter the piggery and put on clean clothes and boots that are available in the clean area.

Laundry of the worker clothes and visitor overalls is done daily inside the piggery so it stays in the clean area.

Anything from the outside area has to be sanitised and washed before it is allowed into the piggery. This includes any devices. These items are left in a designated area so they can be wiped clean and disinfected before entering the clean area.

2. Biosecurity and Vehicles

All vehicles entering and exiting the unit are disinfected and washed. This prevents any diseases or pathogens from spreading via the tires or underbodies of the vehicles.

If the drivers need to exit the vehicle inside the piggery unit, they also need to shower in. If they are staying in the vehicle, a sticker is placed on the door showing that the person is not permitted to leave the vehicle. Security will know they left the vehicle if the sticker seal is broken.

All drivers receive a pamphlet to explain the biosecurity measures they need to adhere to.

It is not only external vehicles that have to follow these measures. All our internal vehicles such as feed carts, tractors, etc, are also washed and disinfected with every entry and exit.

3. Biosecurity and Infrastructure

Perimeter walls and buildings are adapted to ensure further biosecurity measures.

We have a few structural adaptations to ensure that no outside animals can enter the unit and introduce diseases or pathogens. Our outside perimeters consist of brick walls with electrical fencing. The foundation of the brick walls also prevents warthogs or other wildlife from burrowing underneath the wall and entering the unit that way.

The buildings have chicken wire over the windows to ensure bird activity inside buildings is limited. There is a big bucket of Stalosan (a drying agent and disinfectant) at the entrances of all the buildings. Any person entering a building needs to step into it to prevent the spreading of diseases between buildings. Hand sanitiser is also provided at each building entrance.

The AI station has a secondary boots change and compulsory lab jackets.

The piggery units can only be entered through access-controlled stations or through biosecurity wash bays (if in vehicles). Entry is restricted. Only employees, business, or training-related individuals can enter the units (appointments required).

Access-controlled security gate. Finger placed on scanner.

We designed informative graphics to be used on your farm, at the farm entrance, or to be handed to visitors:

Feel free to use, access, and share these resources.

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