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Taaibosch operates a 2 300-sow breeding & nursery unit, a weaning unit, a growing & finishing unit and a genetic nucleus.

We have our own on-farm feed mill, which has enabled us to mix our own feed to ensure top quality nutrition for our animals.

Nutritional needs are continuously reviewed and improved according to the animals’ needs, raw material costs and availability. By promoting the use of locally grown and processed raw materials, Taaibosch has been reducing transportation costs and the environmental impact of the feed mill. We have also created opportunities for other local farmers and processors to supply quality materials.

Facilities further extend to our Gene Transfer Centre with an Artificial Insemination (AI) Laboratory. We use the latest mobile semen technology, which provides fresh semen to the breeding unit on a scheduled, on-demand basis.

From the very beginning, we decided on a closed system for our genetic development. A herd has been established that is unique in performance and genetics, through careful selection and the sourcing of top genetics on both the maternal and terminal lines. We remain the guiding authority on our genetics and performance – strictly selected for our environment and market. This ties in neatly with in-house cost management measures.


Our genetic nucleus is in partnership with Genesus Inc to supply the African continent. Genesus is the worlds largest independent producer of high health registered purebred swine in the world, owning over 80% of all registered purebred breeding stock in Canada.Taaibosch Genetics is part of the South African Pig Breeders Society and registered at the SA Studbook.


Performance testing is done on terminal boars, including progeny testing on to carcass level to improve accuracy and correlation tracking. This ensures not only the quality, but also the complete traceability of the pork we produce.

The construction phase of Taaibosch Nucleus was completed in December 2019. By that time, the initial selection and placement of breeding animals had already started and by the end of January 2020, the first batch of purebred females had been inseminated.

Our first priority is to create a strong genetic pool of animals available to sustain our commercial production, continuously improving the quality of our herd, as well as the selection criteria we apply. As part of our expansion there will be high quality breeding animals made available to the local and international pig farming community.


Standards & Certification

We are audited annually to prove that we uphold the Pork 360 quality standards and practices on the farm, of which the aim is to produce high quality, safe and healthy pork.


Pork 360 Certification is a self-regulated industry Quality Assurance system, administrated by the South African Pork Producers’ Organisation (SAPPO)


On a quarterly basis, we are also audited by the state veterinary services (GDARD) to show adherence to the welfare, quality and bio-security measures, as stipulated by the ZA Registered Pig Compartment, administrated by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD)


A total of 1 750 of our sows are in complete sow group housing. Here they spend their full gestation period of 16 weeks socialising in groups with other pregnant sows. Only a few days before farrowing, they are moved to dedicated farrowing houses, where specific attention is given to the welfare of both the sows and the piglets (sow stall/crate-friendly).


SAMIC (the South African Meat Industry Company) has been appointed by both Woolworths and Pick n Pay as the auditing company for animal welfare. We submit to all these on a voluntary basis, to ensure continuous improvement and quality.

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